Lesson #2: Passion and Purpose 101


Finding Your Passion And Purpose

It’s in there somewhere…

The #1 component in finding your Saturday is finding your passion and letting go of fear.


  • You can make money doing nearly anything. There is an opportunity to monetize anything you are passionate about.
  • What would you do if failing wasn’t an issue? Make a list of all the things you love to do (without worrying about money). Find the one with a low barrier to entry that you can start to do immediately.
  • You will never please everybody so why not focus on people who will appreciate your product, your service and your message?
  • Go practice, practice, practice what you want to do – whether that’s writing or speaking or something else.
  • It’s not the money, it’s the passion. Get the passion going and then get feedback.
  • Turn around the letters in the word “listen” and you get the word “silent.”
  • Every time our fire burns within us, we throw water on the flames and dowse that fire. Nothing has killed more dreams than the three-letter word, “but.”
  • You can never say the right thing to the wrong people – and never ask them for validation. They will cause you to lose your passion – the rocket fuel for your dream.
  • Hang around with people who cause you to raise your game to new heights.
  • Find what you love to do and the money will find you.


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