Lesson #4: Learn From Others 201


The Art of Modeling Others

How do you learn how to do it right? Look to the experts

No need to reinvent the wheel! Someone else has already done the hard work. Just take your unique content and products and plug them into the formula.



  • Get online and find the successful people in your niche. What products do they create? What do they do? How much do they charge? How is the content delivered? What does their website look like?
  • Understand that there is a market for your product. Right now there are others who have less knowledge but they are charging more for their products.
  • The question is, Can you sell what you have? Yes, the only standing between you and success is getting it done.
  • How are your competitors attracting new prospects? They are most likely using an ethical bribe, a product assigned an arbitrary value.
  • What other people charge for you should give away free. This creates momentum.
  • Look at how your competitors speak, how they dress, how they communicate. Successful people alleviate pain. Your clients first and foremost want to get unstuck.
  • Take the proven formula already in place and inject your own unique story.


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Art Of Modeling Other MP3