Well, here we are.
My 50th attempt (or so) at creating and maintaining a regular blog on the Every Day Is Saturday platform.
But this time is different.
This time I’m laser-focused on creating regular content for visitors who want the best in personal development and entrepreneurial training. With that said, I don’t believe I am THE authority on those topics, just AN authority.
We all have something to offer the world and my gift happens to be an authentic look inside the life of a husband, father and entrepreneur.
In addition to this blog, I also have a daily motivational podcast which is ‘life unscripted.’ I literally turn on my microphone and begin speaking from the heart. Whatever is on my mind, flows through the microphone and onto my daily podcast.
My podcast topics have included marketing, money, God, friends, cliques and a million other topics in between.
When I launched my podcast eight years ago, I had no clue what I was doing. And I didn’t care.
I was broke and coming off an embarrassing business failure, which sent me into a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. I didn’t have the money or the knowledge to create a robust website, so I found the one thing that required zero start up capital and that turned out to be podcasting.
But I also love to write.
Writing is the doing part of thinking. There’s something about the written word that allows the reader to hear the message in their own voice, thereby resonating deeper.
I want this blog to be a bond between you and I.
My hope is that my words inspire you to launch your own Saturday Journey. I want this to be a safe haven where you can dream without being judged, while being inspired to push through the pain of growing yourself and your business.
So many people try to make life and business look easy. You’re smart enough to know that neither is simple. It’s been my experience that most people who ‘sell the dream’ are more messed up then you and I combined.
They just find a way to spin the story.
As a professional speaker, I’ve met a ‘Who’s Who’ of gurus in every walk of life.
From authors, speakers, marketers. life coaches, home business & traditional business owners.
The ones who brag about their success and position themselves as having all the answers – are way more messed up than you could ever imagine. The people I find who are the best examples of life balance, are the ones who approach their craft with humility and gratitude.
Funny thing, I used to be that guy. The arrogant ass who thought he had all the answers. Some may say I still have a little bit of that in me. You may be right but I prefer to think of it as an edge. We all need a bit of an edge to keep us AND our message sharp.
I always preface my speeches, audios, videos and other material with “This is my story. It doesn’t make it the only story, your story or even the right story. It’s just the way I see things.”
I think people who try to position themselves as having all the answers are insecure bundles of fluff.
How else do you explain photos of expensive cars, mansions, boats, etc? There’s a time and place to market abundance and wealth. There’s nothing wrong with having material possessions. However, when those possessions are what define you, then what you are saying is “My life and message have zero substance, therefore I need to rely on other things to provide the substance. Because if you really knew me, you wouldn’t be impressed.”
Don’t be sold by the Easy Button Of Life.
Life is difficult.
I don’t care who you are, there is no avoiding illness, business and marriage failure, loss of friendships and many other challenges that come our way.
However, we don’t have to be victims. And that’s the difference between a life well-lived and one that never reaches it’s potential.
With every challenge that comes our way, we have to make a decision: Are we going to be drama queens and bring everyone else around us down, coordinating a life long pity party for ourselves? Or are we going to rise up – understanding the sun will still come up tomorrow and with tomorrow comes and new opportunity to make things better.
Keep in mind, there is always somebody watching you and your reactions. If you want to be a leader, you need followers.
Leaders don’t throw pity parties.
But let me tell you something to alleviate the pressure: There is no expectations for you to be perfect.
Truth is, I’m the most flawed person you will ever meet. Guaranteed.
I have demons just like you.
I have skeletons in my closet just like you.
I’ve done some pretty stupid things in my life that I would never want anyone to ever find out about. Sometimes I wonder if God will even let me visit heaven, let alone spend eternity there. I’ve messed up pretty bad and I pray for forgiveness each and every day.
But you know something? I can’t change the past and neither can you.
All we can do is try to be better than the person we were yesterday. THAT is our competitor. It’s not your co-worker. It’s not another business or brand that shares your customer base.
It is You From Yesterday.
If you can be better than You From Yesterday, you’ve made progress.
We’re off and running with the New And Improved Every Day Is Saturday blog….YAY!
My goal is to inspire you to take chances, have fun and be a kid again. I love kids because they just don’t care. They’ll try anything if it looks like fun. Kids have no fear. Kids don’t care about being judged, they learn that later when they find peer groups and then try to fit in to the same group they were just in but now it’s changed because insanity has set in……and on we go into adulthood trying to fit into new groups.
It’s all so insane isn’t it?
Be a kid.
Have fun.
Try to do something kind for someone new every day.
If you a have a bad day, reach out for help. But don’t overplay your victim card, you only get to use it once in a while:) You are here on earth to serve others. You can’t be a good servant to others if you’re always a victim.
It’s OK to watch Lifetime movies all day while binging on cake & ice cream but then you have to get off the couch and make something happen in your life. It’s the only life you’re going to get.
Let’s go make something out of it, shall we?
Well done and best of luck, I totally agree honesty best policy from another person doing it for themselves – no it isn’t easy but it is certainly worth it 🙂
Hi Sam, I’ve been a follower of yours for almost 6 years. We’ve never actually met, but we have chatted online several times or on a webinar. I’ve even been very pissed off with you a few times, but you are a member of my family and I LOVE THE PERSON YOU ARE. You’ve helped me a lot, probably more than anyone besides my parents. You have helped me get thru some of the hardest times in my life, times when I didn’t think there was a bottom and I definitally could not see the top. At the beginning of this year I told you how great things were going and that I would be out of debt and a millionaire by the end of 2014. Five years ago I was 250,000 dollars in debt with no assets, but was determined not to claim bankruptcy; Parkinsons disease, which was getting worse and several other challenges.
AND THEN THINGS TURNED BAD AGAIN and it got real tough and I sometimes wanted to give up. I still have a lot challenges, but for the most part things are great, because I ain’t a quitter. It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, you just have to get up ONE more time and you will win. Sam, I a winner and I am going knock it out of the ballpark before the end of the year.
Thanks for being YOU Sam, you are the best.
PS. let’s meet for a coffee, somewhere, some time soon
Robert Jobb
Hey Robert!
I’ve been to Toronto twice this summer. Will be back again, speaking there this fall.
Come on out and let’s grab that coffee!
Bingo-you hit it out of the park again. Thank you.
Great post Sam, love the comment “All we can do is try to be better than the person we were yesterday. THAT is our competitor. ” and about being a kid again 😉
Glad we had opportunity to meet this past April in Toronto. I am implementing your podcast and speaker training into my business and have shared your site with many. All the best, Eric
Hello Sam!
That was awesome!! I love the truth you speak. I love your enthusiasm and I love love love your podcasts. I could listen to them all day. You Blog was a m a z i n g !!!!!
P.S. The baby doctor?? Is this number 4?
Thank you Rose:)
Hey Sam, So many people live in the past, relive the past, and take up residence in the past. Learn from the past,don’t stay there.Do not let life live you, you should live your life. You can’t go forward looking in your rear view mirror. Have a great day, a better tomorrow and a wonderful week.
Hey James
You always seem to know what to say and when to not only give people hope but get them moving. There has been times when things just were not going well and check my e-mail and there’s a message from you. It was if you just knew I needed encouraging words to stop with the negative thinking and get moving forward. Thank You So Much.
Thanks for stopping by James. Always great to hear from you and know you’re still on the Saturday Journey!
When you said act like a kid I told parents that today and I am 43 that I acted like my son yesterday he is 17. When I was mowing grass at my house I caught a little frog and made a home for it like a little with my son as me back in the day yet today while looking for bugs and worms found another one so its like oya if you make it they will show up kinda story cause my son text me today at 6:30 wishing happy fourth dad so what you always say makes clear sense to me. thanks
Hey Sam, thank you once again for being such an outstanding Model of Excellence. Your authenticity, your presence & your message is a beacon of possibility for millions around the world. You truly understand the concept of Leaders serve and you do this remarkably well. You are an outstanding model – thank you.
Best wishes,
Your mate from ‘Downunder’
Hey Darren,
Thanks for the kind words.
I really need you to join my team as PR Director…LOL!…..You always have something nice to say.
Thank you.
Thanks Sam… great read… very inspiring.. that hope that you put into others is very reassuring… and amazing. I love the line: “All we can do is try to be better than the person we were yesterday. THAT is our competitor.” This is so very true and I need to focus in on this very simple point – and yet it’s so difficult to deal with too. Continue to keep being a difference maker Sam. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by John.
Great to see you here. Always appreciate your kind words and feedback:)
Beautifully put, Sam. One of your lovely gifts is speaking from the Heart through experience! Your site is nice and clean! Surely this will be a hit as are your podcasts!
Thank you for all you do for our podcasitng community, Sam!
Thanks Jessica:)
I love podcasting. Now I get to use my words in writing for those who want the written version of Every Day Is Saturday.
I hope your podcast is thriving. Itunes provides a great (and free) platform for anyone to launch their show.
Keep speaking!
Hey Sam,
Great post. You always say the right things when I need them. Been tough around here lately and getting back to work.
Praying all is well with your newest addition on the way. It is not fun when you are having to stress and hope all is well. I can personally say I know what it is like. Looking forward to the pic of your healthy little bundle when it gets here.
Much love to you and your family.